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Boston Globe Deutsche Bank
Dunkin Donuts EMC
Golf Digest Massachusetts State Lottery
PricewaterhouseCoopers State Street
The Wall Street Journal


About Massachusetts State Lottery

The Massachusetts State Lottery was established by the Legislature in 1971 to generate local aid revenues for the Commonwealth�s 351 cities and towns.
Regarded as one of the most successful lotteries in the world, the Lottery had total sales of $4.4 billion in Fiscal Year 2005 and returned $936 million in proceeds to the state and its municipalities� both the highest marks in its nearly 34-year history.
Lottery products, including instant "scratch" tickets, jackpot game tickets and Keno, are sold through a network of more than 7,500 private sector sales agents located across the state. The Lottery is a division of the Massachusetts State Treasury, and is headquartered in Braintree with regional offices in Fairhaven, Springfield, Woburn and Worcester. For more information about the Massachusetts State Lottery, visit: www.masslottery.com.

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