FAMILY If you are like most people, there are simply too few hours in a day. You have many demands on your time, from work to home. Here is a unique idea that has many benefits: become a volunteer along with some of your family members. What better way for you to enjoy your time as a part of the Deutsche Bank Championship Volunteer �Blue Crew,� than to do it with your family or a close friend! What do you gain by volunteering together as a family? For starters, you assure that elusive but much-sought goal of �quality time� with each other. Share a common bond while doing something worthwhile for your community, and get to know your friends and family in new ways. The process of demonstrating skills and learning new ones gives all age levels the chance to respect one another, work together towards the same goals, and have something to talk about all week long! Who can I ask to volunteer with me? Family volunteering can be done by the whole family together, or by one parent and one child as a special project for two. It can be several siblings together, one parent or both, a grandparent, aunt, uncle or even a cousin. The mix-and-match possibilities are endless. What is the greatest benefit of volunteering with your family? Family service is so powerful because it has multiple layers of benefits. It strengthens families through improved communication and time together, and meets critical community needs by encouraging philanthropy in both children and adults. The most significant benefit is what it teaches children, which is kindness, compassion, teamwork, tolerance, community responsibility, and good citizenship to name just a few. Family volunteering teaches values in a hands-on way, and within the context of the family, where we learn the values that stay with us for a lifetime.VOLUNTEERING � IT�S A FAMILY AFFAIR Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer as a Family 10. Spend quality family time together.
9. Meet real community needs. 8. Teach children the values of service and community involvement. 7. Spread positive energy and hope. 6. Learn new skills. 5. Meet new people and establish friendships and connections. 4. Develop family communication. 3. Make the world a better place. 2. Enrich family relationships and encourage family unity. 1. It�s fun!