Come Inside the Ropes! Explore the many opportunities available to you as a member of the Deutsche Bank Championship�s �Blue Crew� of volunteers. Not only will you be giving back to charity, but also to yourself. Become a part of our social community and you will meet volunteers from all walks of life. From CEO�s to housewives, students to retiree�s the opportunities are limitless: - Find a new golf partner
- Work on building your resume
- Network with local business owners
- Learn some new tips to improve your game
You will not find a friendlier, more accommodating group of people anywhere in the world.
Give yourself a sense of great accomplishment by giving your time in support of your local community. It is thanks to the thousands of hours put in by the volunteer �Blue Crew� that the Deutsche Bank Championship has donated more than $4.5 million dollars to charity since it�s inception in 2003. Let this unique volunteer experience bring you inside the ropes where you can become an integral part of this world-class event. What do the volunteer�s do you might ask? Volunteers do everything from directing foot traffic, signaling the gallery for quiet when a player addresses the ball, and transporting players to and from the Championship. Even keeping score is a job managed by volunteers. For a complete list of volunteer committees, visit our volunteer web page at www.deutschebankchampionship.com or give us a call at 508-285-8333. Are there any extra perks that I would get as a member of the �Blue Crew?� In addition to the social benefits, each volunteer receives the volunteer package. The volunteer package includes all of the following items:
- The Volunteer Uniform � Official Championship golf shirt, wind jacket and hat/visor
- Week-long volunteer admittance credential
- Week-long volunteer parking voucher
- Breakfast and lunch on the days that you work
- Official 2006 Championship pin
- Admission to the Deutsche Bank Championship Sunday Celebration Concert and Fireworks presented by Outback on Sunday, September 3rd
- Guest pass to bring a friend along on the day of your choice
- Invitation to the Volunteer Appreciation Party for you and a guest
The volunteer package (a $350 value) can be purchased for only $75 Be more than the average spectator � be a Volunteer!