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 Welcome to Birdies for Charity! 

To complement the extensive charitable efforts already in place, the Deutsche Bank Championship is embarking on a new charitable challenge for the 2006 season.  The Birdies for Charity program is an initiative that allows charities to utilize and leverage professional golf as a vehicle for fundraising. The program has enjoyed success at several PGA TOUR events and has proven to be a favorite among golf fans.

�The Deutsche Bank Championship is thrilled to be involved with the Birdies for Charity program,� said Eric Baldwin, Championship Director for the Deutsche Bank Championship.  �This program allows us to connect with the charities we have supported in a new and creative way, while continuing to raise dollars for their cause. It also allows us to continue our efforts to be good corporate citizens and make an impact in our own local community.�   

The 15 participating charities for the 2006 Birdies for Charity program include: Agassiz Village; Artists for Humanity; Boston Cares; Bottom Line; Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston; Boys & Girls Clubs of Providence; First Tee of Massachusetts; G-Row Boston; Healthworks Foundation; Hockomock Area YMCA; Mass Mentoring; Norton/Attleboro YMCA; St. Mary�s Women & Children�s Center; Tiger Woods Foundation and Young Entrepreneurs Alliance (YEA).



Pick your favorite charity and submit your pledge. 

Since charities receive 100% of the money pledged on their behalf, every penny you pledge counts! 

 Which charity will you choose?


The Tiger Woods Learning Center (TWLC), is a youth-educational facility that will feature seven classrooms, a computer lab, multi-media center, a student lounge, a 250-seat auditorium and caf�.  Once completed, the TWLC will help thousands of students from diverse backgrounds broaden their perspective of the world, explore their interests and investigate new possibilities for the future. For more information visit www.twlc.org


Boston Cares, Greater Boston's premier volunteer service agency, develops and delivers team-oriented volunteer opportunities that make a tremendous impact in our communities.  The organization serves more than 100 non-profit agencies, matching volunteers and companies with more than 150 service projects each month.  To learn more about Boston Cares, visit them at www.bostoncares.org.   


As Agassiz Village begins its 71st year of service,  it continues to offer life-changing experiences to children and teens in a variety of summer programs.  This non-profit organization serves "Villagers" that come from racially, economically and socially diverse backgrounds, who live, learn, and play together in a positive and enriching environment.  To learn more about Agassiz Village, visit them at www.agassizvillage.org.


The Healthworks Foundation promotes the health and empowerment of women and children from all cultural and economic backgrounds, through fitness outreach efforts, scholarship programs, and many community-based efforts.  To lean more about Healthworks Foundation, visit them at www.healthworksfoundation.org.


Artists for Humanity's mission is to bridge economic, racial and social divisions by providing at-risk youth with the keys to self-sufficiency through paid employment in the arts.  To learn more about Artists for Humanity, visit them at www.afhboston.com.


Bottom Line's mission is to help disadvantaged Boston students get in to college, graduate from college and go far in life. We provide free one-on-one college counseling services to help Boston youth apply to and succeed in college. 98% of our students get accepted and greater than 80% are on track to graduate!  To learn more about Bottom Line, visit them at www.bottomline.org.


G-Row Boston (Girls-Row Boston) is a rowing and youth development program designed specifically for girls in the Boston public schools. G-ROW builds girls' strength and confidence, and ability to take on future challenges through academic support, leadership development, and the intensity of participating in the ultimate team sport.  G-ROW also aims to diversify the traditionally exclusive sport of rowing reaching more than 300 girls each year from Boston's underserved neighborhoods.  To learn more about G-Row Boston, visit them at www.growboston.org.


Located in one of the most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods of Boston, St. Mary's Women and Children's Center is a community-based human service agency that provides shelter, education, job training, and other support services for homeless and low-income women, pregnant and parenting teens, and children.  To learn more about St. Mary's Women and Children's Center, visit them at www.smwcc.org.


The Young Entrepreneurs Alliance (YEA) is a non-profit company dedicated to supporting teens at-risk for criminal behavior to turn their lives around through business ownership, job training, financial education and academic support.  To learn more about YEA, visit them at www.yeaworks.org


First Tee of Massachusetts is an initiative dedicated to providing young people of Massachusetts of all backgrounds an opportunity to develop, through golf and character education, life-enhancing values such as honesty, integrity and sportsmanship. The intent is to offer opportunities for improvement in the quality of life and create a platform where children can increase their potential for success.  To learn more about the First Tee of Massachusetts, visit them at www.thefirstteemass.org.


The Boys & Girls Clubs of Providence is the longest, continually operating boys & girls club in the nation, serving children and youth for over 138 years.  Annually, more than 7,500 boys and girls, ages 6 to 18, enjoy having fun in a safe place with caring adults at four Clubhouses throughout Providence (South Side, Fox Point, Wanskuck, and Olneyville) and one in North Providence.  To learn more about the Boys & Girls Clubs of Providence, visit them at www.bgcprov.org.


Since its founding in 1893, Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston has provided high-impact, affordable programs and services that enable at-risk youth from disadvantaged circumstances to mature into productive, caring and responsible adults. Today, BGCB serves nearly 13,000 young people, ages 6 to 18, in five Clubs (in Charlestown, Chelsea, Dorchester, Roxbury and South Boston) and through four after-school Community Learning Centers in partnership with the Boston Public Schools, and through Youth Service Providers Network (YSPN) a program in partnership with the Boston Police Department. For an annual membership fee of just $25 ($5 for teens), BGCB�s Clubs offer a variety of program activities and support services designed to assist in the educational, emotional, moral and physical development of its members. The agency�s core programs focus on education; technology; the arts; sports, fitness and recreation; life skills and leadership development. BGCB is an affiliate of Boys & Girls Clubs of America and The United Way of Massachusetts Bay. For more information, visit us on the web at www.bgcb.org.


The Hockomock Area YMCA through its branches in Foxboro, Mansfield, North Attleboro and Franklin positively impacts the lives of almost 30,000 youth, adult and family members living in fifteen area communities, emphasizing values-based programs and activities that strive to meet current and emerging community needs.  To learn more about the Hockomock Area YMCA, visit them at www.hockymca.org.


Norton/Attleboro YMCA has been servicing the local area since 1867 and currently provides programing for over 500 families at their Norton location.  The YMCA is committed to providing character building programs for youth and families that instill core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.  To learn more about the Norton / Attleboro YMCA, visit them at www.attleboroymca.org.  


Mass Mentoring Partnership empowers and supports existing mentoring programs and new efforts statewide through training, technical assistance, resource development, and public awareness outreach.  They are working to reach the day when each Massachusetts community has high-quality mentoring in place to meet the needs of its youth and positively impact their lives forever.  To learn more about Mass Mentoring Parntership, visit them at www.massmentors.org.


As the largest YMCA in the United States, the YMCA of Greater New York reaches more than 175,000 children each year, with a focus on reaching children in underserved communities.  Contributions from corporations, foundations, and individuals enable the Y�s 19 branches to provide New York�s children and families with innovative programs that build spirit, mind, and body.  The YMCA of Greater New York is proud to honor Seth Waugh, the CEO of Deutsche Bank Americas, at the 33rd Annual Dodge Dinner in June of 2007.  To learn more, visit them at www.ymcanyc.org.
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